CineSud Royal Film Pitch 2022
Dien je idee in en win €1.500!
Geplaatst op 12 augustus 2022Dien je korte fictie- of non-fictieproject in, doe mee aan de CineSud Royal Film Pitch tijdens de Industry Days op het Dutch Mountain Film Festival, geniet van een lunch, netwerk en maak kans op een bijdrage van € 1.500!
CineSud Royal Film Pitch
CineSud stimuleert nieuwe filmmakers en professionals op verschillende manieren. We organiseren trainingen, Writers Rooms en bieden filmmakers tal van andere activiteiten aan. Via onze Pitch Forums kunnen we filmmakers kleine productiesubsidies aanbieden, die ze kunnen gebruiken om hun volgende projecten mee te financieren. De winnaar van de CineSud Royal Film Pitch tijdens Dutch Mountain Film Festival 2022 ontvangt een productiesubsidie van € 1.500, die gebruikt moet worden voor de productie van het gepitchte project.
Geselecteerde projecten & deelnemers
Sambal Bij, Finn van Drenth
Een kort coming-of-age drama over Sun (19) een lieve, sociale die als Chinese Nederlander opgroeit in Zuid-Limburg. Zal Sun, die een hekel heeft aan zijn eigen verjaardag, het discriminerende liedje ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’ nog steeds kunnen weglachen tijdens zijn 18e verjaardag?
Thuisland, Ben Lardinois
Zodra een plattelands-jongen zijn thuis uit het oog verliest, zoekt hij zijn bestemming buiten de onzichtbare muren van zijn dorp in een stad van verdwaalden.
I Miss Me Too, Lieke Anna Haertjens
Lieke Anna, een jonge fotografische kunstenaar, wordt in de zomer van 2020 geconfronteerd met haar moeders hersenbloeding. Haar moeder is er nog, maar ze is niet meer wie ze was. Wie is Lieke nog, nu ze zich geen dochter meer voelt? Als blijkt dat haar moeders ziekte mogelijk erfelijk is, komt ze voor de keuze te staan om zich te laten testen. Wil ze dit weten? En wat als haar eigen hoofd mogelijk kapot is? Hoe gaat ze om met deze hevige veranderingen die haar raken in de diepste laag van haar identiteit? Wie is ze nog?
Driven to Destruction, Line van den Berg
Over het dunne randje tussen gedrevenheid en verslaving.
Boifriend, Jack Goessens
Wanneer een lesbienne met een fris gezicht dating en de LGBT-gemeenschap begint te verkennen, wordt het al snel duidelijk dat het verhaal niet eindigt bij wanneer je uit de kast komt. Geplaagd door verontrustende visioenen van Dysphoria en Euphoria, begint ze haar identiteit en plaats in de gemeenschap opnieuw in twijfel te trekken.
Finn van Drenth
Finn van Drenth (Director, Photographer, Dancer) is a 21 year old Dutch Filmmaker who expresses herself in various mediums such as directing, photography and dance. She works with many dancers/creatives and company’s from all sized that have passion, purpose and a story to tell. Currently located in the Netherlands but more often than not traveling as much as possible to explore and create stories around the world with the people around her. Finn has gained on-set experience in front and behind the camera, having knowledge of both worlds creates a deeper understanding of the filmmaking process that triggers her love for film.

Ben Lardinois
Ben Lardinois (Director, Designer, Music Producer) is a filmmaker from Limburg. Out of the urge to express our creativity, individuality and a hunger for independence, Ben and his partner Bashar have slowly but surely gotten a design agency off the ground since 2016 with no entrepreneurial experience or active network: jongens en co. Besides small own initiatives and commissioned work they have collaborated on about 5 film productions and fulfilled various roles: Varying from Production(-assistance), to scenario, casting, sound design, graphic design, production design, editing, special effects and co-direction. With Thuisland they would like to finally create something personal and original, in the way they think films should be made.

Lieke Anna Haertjens
Lieke Anna Haertjens (Photographer, Selfportrait Artist) has been working as a creative for over a decade. In 2011 she graduated from the School of Arts in Tilburg. Afterwards she worked hard at developing a personal style in photography where story, emotion, concept and aesthetics come together in painterly and emotive artworks. In her journey as a creator she does not fear to get personal and vulnerable, in fact, those things are what drives her. Showing vulnerability as a way to portray strength. And shining a light on subjects, we don't like to talk about. To create meaningful conversations. Her thoughts and feelings are the red threat in her work. She makes tangible what isn't, through the art she creates. The photo camera has always been her tool, until now. Until this story. With this story she knew. This has to be a documentary.

Line van den Berg
Line van den Berg (Filmmaker, Professional Mountain Climber) from The Netherlands started climbing in her early twenties and has since then collected a long list of technical routes, a.o. first ascents in Kyrgyzstan and the Eiger north face. She has been mentioned on the Piolet d’Or long list of new ascents, a remarkable achievement for an alpinist from a country without any mountains. She has been awarded the Herman Plugge Engagement Award and has competed in multiple Ice Climbing World Cups. Line is well-known for her unstoppable enthusiasm and enormous drive. Line lives and works in the Alps, where she focuses mainly on technical winter alpinism. She has published multiple stories of her adventures. My Phantom is her first film production.

Jack Goessens
Jack Goessens (Writer, Director) is originally from Maastricht, but now living and working in the UK. He’s a graduate of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland where he studied filmmaking. His short film ‘Everyman’ (2021) was commissioned through the Scottish Documentary Institute Bridging the Gap program. The film screened at over a dozen BAFTA and Academy qualifying festivals and traveled to Cannes this year as part of CineSud’s annual Talent to Cannes program. The film was shortlisted for a Grierson award and won Best Film at both the Euregion Film Festival in 2022 and the BAFTA qualifying SQIFF in 2021. It’s currently nominated for the prestigious RTS award (Royal Television Society, outcome November 3rd). Day to day Jack works as an editor in high-end drama, editing shows such as Outlander and the new Netflix series The Fuck It Bucket. Jack is currently receiving support through the Channel 4 RI:SE program for emerging disabled/neurodiverse talent.

Meet the Jury!
Kesang Tseten
Kesang Tseten has been making documentaries about the Himalayan region for over two decades, which have been regularly screened at international film festivals. His films include the award-winning Who will be a Gurkha, Trembling Mountain and Saving Doma, a trilogy about Nepalese immigrant workers in the Gulf States (In Search of the Riyal, The Desert Eats Us), We Corner People and On the road with the red god: Machhendranath. He received grants from Jan Vrijman, IDFA Bertha Fund and the Sundance Documentary Institute. He was a visiting scholar at Dartmouth College and New York University. He wrote the original screenplay for the feature film Mukundo, the first Nepali entry to the Academy Awards, and Karma, and is currently working on a Nepali adaptation of Les Miserables. He is a graduate of the Dr. Graham's School in India, Amherst College and Columbia University.

Nadine Bemelmans
Nadine Bemelmans studied Arts and Culture at the University of Maastricht. Within the company Elbe Stevens Film she produced the documentary It’s Dutch Design (2019). Nadine worked on the experimental film Souvenir (2019, premiere at IFFR) of the filmmakers Lina Sieckmann and Miriam Gossing. The hybrid documentary Sirens Call, another film of Lina and Miriam, in co-production with Filmfaust, Elbe Stevens Films and ZDF, is currently in production in the USA. Nadine Bemelmans was also closely involved in the production of the documentary A World to Shape, directed by Ton van Zantvoort and produced by Elbe Stevens Films. The documentary was broadcasted on Dutch national television.

Awesta Mahani
Awesta Mahani is raised and based in a small town in Limburg. Her multilingualism helps her with helping others with the Dutch language and therefore, she has been tutoring university students, high school students and immigrants since 2014. After completing her Bachelors in Communication Management, she worked as store manager in the Luxury Fashion Industry. She is a Master of Science in Communication and Information Sciences with a specialization in Business Communications and Digital Media, recently graduated from the University of Tilburg. Her master thesis on Time and Space in Visual Narratives (comics and films) will also be published in a series of research papers supervised by Dr. Neil Cohn. Her passion for film brought her to CineSud in June 2022, where she has been working since for Marketing, PR & Communications. Recently she also started pursuing acting.

Join CineSud Industry Days at DMFF on November 4-5
Check out the complete program.
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