Directors Village 2023

Discover our 5-day residence training program for European directors-writers of the future!

Geplaatst op 21 maart 2023

Would you like to work thoroughly on your short film script, director's vision and directing actors? Then take part in the Directors Village during SHIFT Film Forum at the ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond. Eight filmmakers from different European countries will work together to strenghten their writing and directing skills.

Directors Village is organised by CineSud in collaboration with Screen Talent Europe.

"It was a true pleasure to be a part of last years Directors Village and meet this warm group of talented people. A wonderful program organised by the safe and welcoming hands of CineSud, inspiring and encouraging guidance by top coaches and a strong and joyful connection with the filmmakers whom I share this experience with. The program has both enriched the process with my project as well as given me lifelong memories. I strongly recommend this for all who want to grow as a filmmaker and have a great time doing it!" Adam Starsmark | FilmCloud (Sweden)

Directors Village 2023

Directors Village is a 5-day on-site European residence training program to enhance and develop the skills of directors-writers and help them prepare for their next (short film) project. They learn and work on script development, director's vision & directing actors with coaches during group sessions, networking events and they help each other to bring their projects further.

Program 2023

  • September 13 Get-together & Short Films: Directors Village Special

  • September 14 Group Session | Writers Room: Script Development

  • September 15 Group Session | Directing: Find Your Director’s Vision & Workshop | Script Analysis

  • September 16 Workshop | Directing: Working with Actors

  • September 17 Group Session | Directing: Editing & Scene Analysis

Directors Village Selection 2023 

Meet the talented participants of Directors Village 2023 at SHIFT Film Forum! Join us as we bring together eight filmmakers from different countries for a 5-day on-site training program at ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond. Get ready to connect, collaborate, and ignite your creativity alongside this diverse group of directors-writers. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! 

Read more on the participants below. 

"I wasn't anticipating the experience to be so revolutionary when it came to my work, and I certainly didn't expect to come away with seven new old friends. I can't wait to see what they do next, and I am so looking forward continuing our friendship!" Catriona MacLeod | GMAC Film (Scotland)

Meet the Coaches

We're thrilled to welcome back two incredible filmmakers to coach Directors Village: Janneke van Heesch and Sofia Norlin.

Janneke van Heesch is an accomplished director from the Netherlands, with a diverse range of experience, and a directing coach at the Netherlands Film Academy, specializing in script development and directing actors. 

Sofia Norlin, hailing from Sweden, living in France, is a senior lecturer in film directing at Stockholm University of the Arts. She has directed educative-social projects in the Parisian suburbs and received recognition. Currently she is preparing her new feature "Riviera," co-written with Jean-Pol Fargeau. 

Don't miss the chance to meet these talented filmmakers at the SHIFT Film Forum. 

Get your SHIFT Early Bird tickets now! 

"Being part of the Directors Village 2022 was a truly edifying and worthwhile experience, both professionally and personally! Want to improve your short-film project while expanding your storyteller's toolbox and making some friends along the way? The Directors Village got you covered!" Lucas Brunelli Donnard | Germany


Directors Village is a unique training program organised by CineSud. The program is organised in collaboration with our dear partners of Screen Talent Europe: New Noardic Wave, MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, Ardán Ireland, GMAC Film, FilmCloud and Film Workshop Copenhagen.

Screen Talent Europe is a network of film workshops and media centres in Europe. The purpose of the network is to promote and foster co-operation between partners, help filmmakers exchange knowledge, experiences and methods through talent camps, network meetings and co-productions. The network collaborates to produce international talent development projects such as pitching forums, film production camps, networking and social events. Furthermore, Screen Talent Europe works to strengthen the workshop model for support-based talent development and also assists countries in Europe currently without film workshops in developing similar resources and models.

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