Limburg Film Pitch 2023
Stuur je idee in en maak kans op €1.500!
Heb jij een korte fictie- of non-fictie projectplan liggen? Of een animatieplan? Schrijf je nu in voor de Limburg Film Pitch tijdens de CineSud Industry Day op het Dutch Mountain Film Festival 2023, geniet van een lunch, breid je netwerk uit en maak kans op een prijs van € 1.500!
Limburg Film Pitch
CineSud stimuleert nieuwe filmmakers en professionals op verschillende manieren. We organiseren trainingen, Writers Rooms en bieden filmmakers tal van andere activiteiten aan. Via onze Pitch Forums kunnen we filmmakers kleine productiesubsidies aanbieden, die ze kunnen gebruiken om hun volgende projecten mee te financieren. De winnaar van de Limburg Film Pitch tijdens Dutch Mountain Film Festival 2023 ontvangt een productiesubsidie van € 1.500, die gebruikt dient te worden voor de productie van het gepitchte project.
Meld je hier aan!
Stuur ons je inzending voor de Limburg Film Pitch via onderstaande knop. Een externe commissie van beslissers selecteert minimaal 3 en maximaal 5 deelnemers. Lees hieronder alle regels voor het indienen. Let op: i.v.m. een internationale jury is de voertaal van de pitch en de in te dienen documenten Engels.
Aanmelden voor de Limburg Film Pitch 2023 is niet meer mogelijk.
Geselecteerde deelnemers en projecten worden in de week van 23 oktober 2023 officieel bekend gemaakt.
Meet the Participants
Rob O'Brien
Rob O’Brien is a former journalist turned filmmaker based in Amsterdam. With more than 20 years of experience in journalism Rob’s stories have been published in BBC World Service, New York Times, Independent and Global Post. He works as a speechwriter for the European Medicines Agency.

Tineke van Veen
Tineke van Veen made her first experimental film aware about the nuclear landscape! 2014 in Fukushima, Japan. The film illustrates the impact of invisible radioactive contamination and how it has changed the way we view safety, not only as a local but also as a global issue. The film consists of two parts, an experimental impression of the decontamination activities in Fukushima and, in part 2, interviews with the cleaners who explain and reflect on their relationship to this landscape.

Chinh Tran
Chinh Tran is originally from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and is now based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In 2018, Chinh moved to Europe to obtain her M.A. in screenwriting from the Kinoeyes Erasmus Mundus program. Since then, her work has been selected in various short film festivals and short development schemes in Europe, including Finland, Portugal, and Scotland. In 2019, she was awarded a grant from Germany’s Crossing Borders Foundation to conduct a research trip to Leipzig and Berlin for her mini-series project "Be Happy, Or Else!". In 2022, she participated in the SHIFT Film Pitch Competition with the short project "To The Moon". In 2023, she will be joining the Finnish Saari artist residency to work on her first novella.

Hanna Fleer
Hanna Fleer is a writer, theatre maker, and screenwriter with a focus on posthumanism and technology in storytelling. In 2021, she graduated from HKU with a degree in writing for performance. Since then, she has collaborated with renowned companies such as TG Kwatta, Theater Kwezel, Sanne Vogel, TG Komma, Theater Utrecht, and Schuur Productions. Throughout her career, Hanna has created three short films: 'Delven', 'Doe eens mens’' and 'Een Doodgewone Dag’' She brings her extensive experience and enthusiasm for innovative narrative techniques to both independent writing and theatre productions, as well as educational workshops.

Sando Heijnen
Sando Heijnen is a self-taught filmmaker with a focus on experimental socially engaged fictional work. He started as an actor in theatre and made his transition to film direction during his Media and Culture (film) studies at the University of Amsterdam; for which he currently writes his thesis, exploring anti-capitalism in the oeuvre of Yorgos Lanthimos. Since 2019, he has directed six short films: ‘I Post therefore I am’, ‘Leviticus 18:22’, ‘Oost West’ and the award-winning films: 'Complex,' 'Doe Eens Mens' and 'Een Doodgewone Dag'. During his internship at Lemming Film, Sando acquired professional production skills and insights.

Gillian Graven
As a Dutch/Scottish presenter/moderator, stand-up comedian and filmmaker, Gillian Graven thrives on learning new things and being challenged. Her passion for storytelling and her love for both science and social justice are reflected in her work. Whether she is presenting or moderating an event, writing a screenplay, or performing stand-up comedy, she brings her unique perspective, critical thinking, creativity, and empathy to everything she does. She believes that the key to great storytelling is connecting with the audience on an emotional level, and she strives to achieve that with every project.

Meet the Jury
Lena Lapschina
Lena Lapschina is a visual artist and filmmaker known for monumental multi-channel video installations which she performs in museums and at filmfestivals alike. Apart from turning alpine stuff into film, sculptures and murals, Lena loves the mountains first and foremost for sunbathing and extended sessions of cross-country skiing. She even developed a new discipline called rooftop skiing, because the steeper the hill, the bigger the fun. As a visual artist, Lena Lapschina has been exhibited at leading institutions, like Kunsthaus Zürich, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, Kunsthalle Wien, Steirischer Herbst, Kunsthal KAdE Amersfoort, Kulturens Hus Luleå, Museo Municipal Tecleño, Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art Richmond, FLACC, MAK, OK, among others. She has won the Austrian State Grant for Video and Media Art.

Coen Leuven
Coen Leuven, a passionate storyteller who wields both cameras and musical instruments with finesse. Currently residing in Heerlen, this Dutch filmmaker is committed to capturing the best imagery possible. Coen's approach emphasizes authenticity, favoring in-camera photography over digital manipulation. Whether through photos or film, he strives for a 'real' feel, minimizing post-production effects and embracing the magic of the moment. While Coen primarily works with digital filming due to budget constraints, his philosophy remains the same—crafting the desired image on set, without relying on post-production fixes.

Holger Wimmer
Holger Wimmer is a filmmaker from Germany. He has worked on various films and projects. He works for Pinecone films. Pinecone Films is a collective born and raised in the Black Forest and now based in Berlin and Freiburg. We have a deep connection to outdoor, nature and sports. Holger and David Schultheiß, the other owner of Pinecone films, love tricky tasks and use creativity to overcome obstacles. No matter if it’s architecture, cars or studio shoots. These projects are just as special, beauty is everywhere and we can reveal it.

Dutch Mountain Film Festival 2023
CineSud Industry Day
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