ScriptLab 2021

Immersive feature script development program.

Geplaatst op 1 oktober 2020

Following the success of the ScriptLab 2019 and 2020, CineSud is going to launch the third edition of the development program for first, second or third feature film scripts. If you have written or directed one or more short films and are currently working on the treatment for your feature film, you are welcome to join this intensive training lab starting from March 2021! Participation is open for filmmakers from the Netherlands and Dutch-speaking Belgium.


Starting in June 2021, this 9-months feature film development program will enable scriptwriters to finish their scripts (or drafts of scripts) starting from the treatment stage. The course will feature two multiday residence-sessions with writers rooms, masterclasses and discussions (on several locations in the province of Limburg, the Netherlands), online sessions with script consultants and networking and pitching sessions during filmfestivals. The decision-makers are producer Hans de Wolf & screenwriter Chris Westendorp. The coaches of the 2021 edition are Sander Burger, Rogier de Blok and Anne Gensior. 

Program ScriptLab 2021

Dit initiatief werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door Grensverleggers, regeling ter ondersteuning van culturele samenwerkingen tussen partijen in Vlaanderen, de Provincie Noord-Brabant, de Provincie Limburg en de Provincie Zeeland.