SHIFT Film Festival 2019

Celebrate the shifts in filmmaking.

Geplaatst op 3 april 2019

Watch quality films by new filmmakers, attend special networking events, film labs, masterclasses and much more! Make a shift to your filmmaking skills!

SHIFT Film Festival 2019

SHIFT Film Festival is an annual film festival which focuses on new filmmakers, shifts in addressed topics, filmmaking, culture and society. What we perceive is our reality. Filmmakers tend to limit themselves as what they see becomes their truth. Perceptions are determined by what we value, experience, need or lack. They are determined by whether we are informed or misinformed. Shift is what is needed to change our perspective. And this is what SHIFT Film Festival is about. Be free, be different, do not be afraid, be in charge of your own life and make shifts to the world!

The central theme of SHIFT Film Festival 2019 is Shifting Boundaries.

Check out the program booklet now!

Buy your tickets via the button on the top of this page.

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Great networking opportunities, valuable workshops and training options all at one location. Remy Kooi

Program & Tickets

You can find the program of the festival via the button below. Tickets for the industry events (such as coaching, masterclasses and lectures) can only be bought beforehand online. Tickets for the films can be bought via our partner ECI Roermond.

Want to buy tickets?

  • Tickets for film screenings can only be bought via partner ECI Filmhuis.
  • For tickets for workshops, masterclasses and (industry) events click here.

Film selection

Read more on the selected films and get teased by trailers, snippets and stills!

For everyone: filmmakers and the audience

Whether you are general audience, a new filmmaker or a professional one, SHIFT Film Festival offers a dynamic and high quality festival experience, with films from all over the world, inspiring workshops, lectures and more. Moreover, SHIFT gives a podium to upcoming talents by inviting filmmakers to the festival, organizing special networking events, meet & greets and workshops, so that they can make shifts in their way of filmmaking, expand their network, collaborate with each other, talk with the audience and create new projects. We are constantly seeking for productions and professionals that set changes in the world. Be the one to shift your boundaries!

Contact us.

Do you have any questions regarding this event? Contact us by using the contact form below.