In gesprek met Martin Hampel

Producer Martin Hampel on his interest in arthouse films, the masterclasses he will give and green filmmaking.

Geplaatst op 3 december 2019

Martin Hampel started working as a production coordinator at Twenty Twenty Vision and Pallas Film in 2007, both companies producing 'arthouse' feature films that in the past have been very successful at international festivals such as Cannes, Venice and Berlin as well as in theatres worldwide.

"Films allow you to enter those worlds through a very personal point of view and to touch you but also make you think and reflect."

Who is Martin Hampel?

"Hi, my name is Martin Hampel and I am producer at Twenty Twenty Vision Filmproduktion (Berlin) and Pallas Film (Halle)."

What was your motivation to become a film producer?

"Since I was in school I have always been interested in many different fields such as arts and politics but I have also been very active in our school’s students administration/representation and many other non-curriculum activities. I always wanted to work in a profession that is project-based and in which I would have to meet new people all the time. After helping a friend to organise some short films and working on a film set as an extra in my last year of school I realized that film production would combine all these elements and that’s when I decided that I wanted to work in film production."

At Twenty Twenty Vision and Pallas Film you mainly produce arthouse films. What is it about these kind of films that attracts your interest?

"For me the most interesting part in these kind of films is the possibility to open doors to other cultures, social backgrounds and political systems that we usually don’t encounter in our everyday lives except on the news. Films allow you to enter those worlds through a very personal point of view and to touch you but also make you think and reflect."

      What is the most important lesson you learnt as a producer?

      "The most important lesson I have learnt over the 13 years I have been working in this industry now is that producing films is always a collaboration between people which means that, as a producer, you have to be also able to read and deal with all kinds of people, mindsets, characters, tempers, etc. That sounds very banal and obvious but it will become very important for your work as a producer when you are capable of handling other peoples' emotions during stressful times like a shooting but also in many other situations, like editing discussions, festivals, etc."

      During the Producers Lab you will talk about the role of a producer in the pre-production and production. Can you give some insights into what you will talk about during your masterclasses?

      "I’ll try to share my personal experience about the role of a producer during these stages, but I am very eager to discuss with the participants how they see themselves in these processes because there is not just one approach to the involvement of the producer in that part of the production."

      At the Crossborder Film Panel during the Producers Lab you will also discuss the important topic of “Sustainable Filmmaking”. What do you do in order to make a contribution to Sustainable Filmmaking? 

      "We are part of the Producers Association and there are many discussions about this right now, how we as producers can be a role model for more sustainability in our industry. Personally I try to reduce the travels I do as much as possible and to have my discussions with partners, directors etc. via phone or Skype instead, but there are many smaller and bigger things everybody can do to support this change in our collective understanding."

      Can you say something about upcoming projects?

      "We are in post-production of two films right now and in financing of three films for next year – one from Israel, one from Palestine and another one from Germany."

      What is your piece of advice for other media- and film professionals who want to produce a film project / want to become a producer?

      "It’s a wonderful and exciting profession but depending on what kind of producer you want to be it also requires a lot of passion, hard work and sacrifice."

        You can find the full program of the Producers Lab here.

        Feature Lab Zuid | Producers Lab

        For more information about the Crossborder Film Panel and the industry program hosted by CineSud during the Limburg Film Festival, click here!

        Industry Program | Limburg Film Festival 2020

        (c) Title photo used with the filmmaker's permission.

        (c) Still 1: Taken from the film Elle (2016).