The participants & projects for the Limburg Film Pitch 2022 are known!

Check out the selected participants & projects for the Limburg Film Pitch 2022 during SHIFT Film Festival.

Geplaatst op 31 augustus 2022

The Limburg Film Pitch is a pitching forum for participants to take part in: follow a pitch training, network and compete for a €2.000 grant! This edition of the Limburg Film Pitch will take place on September 18 during the SHIFT Film Festival in Heerlen.

Limburg Film Pitch

After conducting two pitch coaching-sessions in the week of September 12, the participants will pitch their projects in front of an audience and a professionals jury on September 18, 11.00 AM in Royal Theater Heerlen. The members of the pitch jury are director Zorba Huisman, actor Romano Haynes and director Patrick Tass.

Selected Participants & Projects

Anatolia 1890, Ilgin Sacan, animation, Turkey
In 1890, a cameraman visited rural Anatolia to record daily life. During the shoot, the camera captures supernatural ​​incidents.

MY FAMILY AND OTHER ANIMALS, Volodymyr Bakum, fiction, Ukraine
Victor is in a midlife crisis. Before his wife's anniversary, having no money for her gift, he decides to sell his collection of butterflies. But a rooster gets in the way. 

PAST, Maarten Sleegers, fiction, the Netherlands
A rich man’s life changes after a homeless man makes him an unusual proposition.

To The Moon, Chinh Tran & Juulia Kalavainen, fiction, the United Kingdom
In a world where Moon travel has been commercialised, an alienated 20-year-old Vietnamese woman must learn how to connect to the world around her when her far fetched dream of moving to the Moon suddenly becomes possible.

Uncanny Home, Eric Bitencourt, fiction, Germany
Uncanny Home is an experimental drama about the night two friends went back home in the virtual world but ended up opening real wounds.

Join SHIFT Film Festival on September 14-18!

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