SHIFT Film Forum 2023
Shifting Distance.
Geplaatst op 10 maart 2023The SHIFT Film Forum invites all filmmakers and film viewers to an experience of connecting with like-minded people in a festival space: enjoy the Short Film Competition and other special screenings, take part in the SHIFT Masterclasses. Meet the participants of SHIFT Film Pitch and Directors Village 2023. Network with filmmakers from all over the world!
SHIFT Film Forum 2023
For its ninth edition, the SHIFT Film Forum comes back on September 13-17 at the ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond, The Netherlands. With this edition we bring you the SHIFT Film Pitch, SHIFT Masterclasses, Short Film Competition & Short Films SHIFT Special, other special screenings, networking drinks and various possibilities to learn all there is to know about the film world: discover international new talents, learn from experienced professionals, get to know each other and exchange. The unofficial kick-off of the Forum will be September 12 in Royal Theater Heerlen, with a special Ukrainian Focus program.
The SHIFT Masterclasses are SOLD OUT!
Program & Tickets
Find the complete program in the timetable below.
- Get your tickets now!
- Tickets for the feature film: The Eternal Daughter can be bought via partner ECI Cultuurfabriek.
- The SHIFT Masterclasses are SOLD OUT!
Vertoning van de feature film Animal van Sofia Exarchou. Op een exclusief eilandresort bereiden de animateurs zich volop voor op het toeristische seizoen. De groep staat onder leiding van Kalia. Dansshows en glimmende kostuums tieren welig om de gasten van het Mirage Hotel te entertainen. Terwijl de zomerperiode onder het toeziende oog van de brandend hete zon vooruit schuifelt, staat het personeel onder grote werkdruk. De nachten worden gewelddadig en Kalia heeft ook een persoonlijk gevecht te leveren. Hoe dan ook moet de show doorgaan.
Deze film op vrijdag zien? Koop je ticket via filmtheater ECI.
SHIFT Masterclass: Mise-en-scène - Het creëren van een scène
10:30-12:30, ECI workshop 1.09
Ontdek in deze masterclass de betoverende wereld van mise-en-scène, waar regisseurs scènes omvormen tot meeslepende ervaringen die verhalen zowel visueel als emotioneel versterken. Mise-en-scène, een term afgeleid van het Frans voor "het in scène plaatsen", omvat alle visuele elementen binnen het filmbeeld, zoals compositie, kadrering, decorontwerp, kostuums, rekwisieten en de positie en bewegingen van acteurs. Door deze elementen met precisie te manipuleren, schept de regisseur een boeiende wereld die de kijker diep in het verhaal trekt en emoties laat ervaren.
Gastspreker: Guido Coppis (Bijt)
Prijs: €15
Netwerklunch met alle deelnemers en coaches. Een combiticket voor het ochtend- en middagprogramma inclusief lunch kost slechts €20.
SHIFT Masterclass: Vrouwenrollen en de (fe)male gaze
13:30-15:00, ECI workshop 1.09
In deze masterclass onderzoekt dramaturg, filmmaker en schrijver Gwyneth Sleutel, bekroond als FD Talent 2024 door het Financieel Dagblad, de representatie van vrouwen in de hedendaagse filmcultuur en filmgeschiedenis. Aan de hand van filmfragmenten van zowel oude als recente films onthult ze de invloed van de male gaze en verkent ze het mysterie rondom de female gaze, een term die de afgelopen jaren aan populariteit heeft gewonnen, maar die nog steeds vraagtekens oproept en geen heldere definitie kent. Want wat is dat nou precies, de female gaze? Gwyneth deelt haar perspectief en geeft tips die je als scenarist en regisseur kan gebruiken voor de ontwikkeling van sterke vrouwelijke personages.
Gastspreker: Gwyneth Sleutel (dramaturg NTR, script coach)
Prijs: €7,50
Vertoning van de feature film Animal van Sofia Exarchou. Op een exclusief eilandresort bereiden de animateurs zich volop voor op het toeristische seizoen. De groep staat onder leiding van Kalia. Dansshows en glimmende kostuums tieren welig om de gasten van het Mirage Hotel te entertainen. Terwijl de zomerperiode onder het toeziende oog van de brandend hete zon vooruit schuifelt, staat het personeel onder grote werkdruk. De nachten worden gewelddadig en Kalia heeft ook een persoonlijk gevecht te leveren. Hoe dan ook moet de show doorgaan.
Prijs: €5,75 (alleen film) OF €13,25 (incl. SHIFT Masterclass: Talk | Vrouwenrollen en de (fe)male gaze). Voor slechts €20 heb je met een combiticket toegang tot het gehele ochtend- en middagprogramma inclusief lunch!
LET OP: met een pass via CineSud heb je óók toegang tot de film. Alleen de film zien? Koop dan je ticket via filmtheater ECI.
SHIFT Special biedt een boeiend avondprogramma met onder andere de SHIFT Film Pitch, waar filmmakers hun verhalen kunnen pitchen voor de kans om €2000 te winnen. Verder presenteren we de inspirerende SHIFT Talk met Veerle de Wilde en tonen we diverse nieuwe Limburgse films, waaronder Ultraviolet van Veerle. Tijdens de feestelijke Awardshow wordt de winnaar van de Pitch bekendgemaakt.
Andere films in de SHIFT Special-selectie woorden in begin augustus bekend.
- SHIFT Film Pitch
- Special & Talk
- Award Show
Sluit de dag af met de netwerk-drinks!
Speciale vertoning van Forever-Forever, in samenwerking met diverse vluchtelingenorganisaties.
Gevestigd in Kiev eind jaren 90, is Forever-Forever een verontrustend portret van de jonge en rebelse generatie die liefde ontdekt, hun seksualiteit verkent en wrede spelletjes speelt die nooit een winnaar kennen.
Let op: deze special vindt plaats in Royal Theater Heerlen.
Our special programs
Directors Village
Directors Village is 5-day on-site European residence training program to enhance and develop the skills of directors-writers and help you prepare for your next (short film) project. Learn and work on script development, Directors vision & directing actors with coaches during group sessions, networking events and you help each other to bring your projects further. Boost your filmmaking skills during Directors Village and learn everything from script development to directing actors.
Click here to read more on this year's selected participants.
Ukrainian Focus
Join us for a relaxed and insightful CineTalk on Ukrainian filmmaking with a Ukrainian Filmmaker. Experience a curated selection of captivating Ukrainian short films, where you can explore, learn, and show your support for the Ukrainian cinematographic identity. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with fellow film enthusiasts and enjoy networking moments over refreshing drinks. We look forward to welcoming you!
Date: Tuesday September 12, 17.00 PM - 22.00 PM
Location: Royal Theater in Heerlen
- 17:00-18:30 CineTalk incl. Short film "Re-record" & Ukrainian Short Film Competition
- 19:30-20:00 Drinks
- 20:00-22:00 Feature Film: My Thoughts Are Silent
Free of charge for the Ukrainian refugees who live in the Netherlands.
The earnings from the ticket sale will be donated to support refugees.
SHIFT Short Film Competition
Don't miss out on the Short Film Competition, where these six films from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands will be competing for the Best Film Award, a Special Jury Mention, and the Audience Award. Below you can read more about the films. Make sure to catch them on the big screen at SHIFT Film Forum 2023!
About Me
Ali Asgari | fiction | the Netherlands | 2022 | 15 min
Young Fatima holds a secret that could change her fate; she must place her trust in a doctor to make a tough decision between cultural tradition and medical ethics.

The Show
Frederic Kau | fiction | Germany | 2022 | 12 min
Famous activist-couple Max and Lou went to extreme lengths to make a statement and got irreversibly sterilized together. They don’t want to have children in a world where humanity keeps on destroying the planet. They are about to have their first TV-appearance after their sterilization, when Max confesses something to Lou: Shortly before the procedure he got cold feet and couldn’t go through with the vasectomy…

Thank you for your patience!
Simon van der Zande | fiction | Belgium | 2022 | 17 min
From a fixed point of view, we witness a tense bus ride in Brussels, when Samuel – a Congolese immigrant – gets on to voice his discontent with Europe.

Sam Dijkstra | fiction | the Netherlands | 2022 | 7 min
When on a hot summer’s day, Maas meets his girlfriends' group of friends for the first time, he gets confronted with dormant insecurities. He tries to hide his insecurities, but when the whole group decides to go swimming in the sea, he is faced with a difficult choice. Will he go to the sea and show himself, or stay on the beach and hide? What starts for Maas as a careless summer’s day, evolves into a painful confrontation with himself and his body.

At a Glance
Ruud Satijn | fiction | the Netherlands | 2022 | 16 min
During his evening shift, pizza delivery guy Izem suspects domestic violence is taking place behind the doors of a wealthy customer. Do the police believe his warning? At a Glance is about a quest for connection by people from various social backgrounds, who are challenged to shake off their prejudices. For Izem and his customers, this is not without risk.

Sleeping Dogs
Jenia Bayat Mokhtari, Amelie Befeldt, Samuli Salonen & Sarah Veith | documentary | Germany | 2022 | 13 min
My dog isn't the problem here. It's your's." Let sleeping dogs lie. Especially in a dog park. A film about "us" and "them", involuntarily encounters in public space and the search for common ground, despite everything.

SHIFT Special Short Films
Discover the special films Frost by Benno Geurts and Days of Spring by Arianne Hinz.
In Frost, Wander's journey through the Rocky Mountains with his girlfriend takes an unexpected turn when he faces challenges with her parents. Meanwhile, Days of Spring follows 11-year-old Roos as she enters an enigmatic group of friends, leading to unsettling demands she must confront.
Don't miss this exceptional selection of out-of-competition short films on September 16 at ECI Cultuurfabriek Roermond.
Days of Spring
Arianne Hinz | fiction | the Netherlands | 2022 | 11min
11-year-old Roos invites her best friend Ella to join her enigmatic group of friends in their mysterious games. But there is a catch. As the stakes get higher, Roos must ask herself whether she can accept the group’s increasingly disturbing demands.

Benno Geurts | fiction | the Netherlands | 2022 | 30min
When Wander returns to his village alone after a long journey with his girlfriend through the Rocky Mountains, he finds himself at odds with her parents. Wander tries to repair their bond while the reality of what happened during their trip slowly unravels.

Ukrainian Focus Short Film Competition
Come and watch several Ukrainian short films to discover, learn and support Ukrainian cinematographic identity. The screening will be held free of charge for the Ukrainian refugees who live in the Netherlands.
Date: Tuesday September 12 from 17.00 PM
Location: Royal Theater in Heerlen
Teatralna Station
Alina Panasenko | fiction | Ukraine | 2022 | 16min
Tymofii is a little pickpocket. He lives his normal life until he suddenly falls in love with the next on the lady station officer at the Teatralna station.

Kharkiv Music Fest Did Happen
Viacheslav Turyanytsia | fiction | Ukraine | 2022 | 11min
Even despite the terrible events associated with Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, people continue to live showing their fortitude - For example, Kharkiv Music Fest did happen.

Golden Leggings
Arkadii Nepytaliuk | fiction | Ukraine | 2022 | 20min
August 19, 1991. USSR. Moscow is filled with rallies, barricades and tanks. But a summer school camp on the South is living its own life.

Under The Endless Sky
Olexandra Dzhiganska | fiction | Ukraine | 2022 | 4min
Our memories play an important role in the construction of identity and self-awareness. Director's childhood memories have acquired a special value for me since the outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine, my home country. For many children, this time will become a formative memory.

Almost Saint Senya
Vladislav Robsky | fiction | Ukraine | 2022 | 14min
Short story which describes that each of us has weaknesses, against which our conscience stands. And all of us always or rarely tries to agree with it. This life dilemma is understandable and close to everyone. The film gives an opportunity to viewers to look at yourself from the side and, causing them a smile, maybe, to reconsider their relationship with conscience in something.

Meet the Jury
Introducing our SHIFT Film Forum 2023 jury members for the SHIFT Short Film Competition and the SHIFT Film Pitch: Henry Disotuar from Belgium, Sammy Wisniewski from the Netherlands & Lukas Koll from Germany!
Don't miss the chance to meet these incredible industry professionals at the SHIFT Film Forum on September 16 at the ECI Cultuurfabriek Roermond.
Sammy Wisniewski
Sammy Wisniewski has become a household name within the Limburg film world over the years. She produced with her company Samski productions a series of Limburg short films and 48-hour projects. Last year, she worked on a project for The Rogues, where she served as production manager for Guido Coppis' feature film Pijn. Her last project was for Labyrint film, where she worked as executive producer and production manager for Ayla Satijn's short film Yildiz.

Henry Disotuar
Henry Disotuar was born and raised in the suburbs of Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city of Cuba. At the age of 10 his mother remarried and they both moved to Belgium. This significant turn of events marked him as teenager and is omnipresent in the director’s work. Remarkable in the work of the young director is the accomplishment of deep narrative, complex characters and the ability to tell a compelling yet subtle story. Diversity, the blurring margin of cultures and dysfunctional family ties are some of the reappearing themes in his character driven stories.
The first half of 2018, the director received funding from the Flemish Audiovisuals Fund (scenarioatelier), to start writing his first feature film. He was also granted funding for the creation of his new short film, Grapefruit. The project is planned to be ready in the first half of 2019. Grapefruit will be produced by De wereldvrede and Finders Keepers. The young director also works as programmer for the Filmfestival of Ostend and the Youth Filmfestival JEF.

Lukas Koll
Lukas Koll is a German film producer and managing partner of the production company arkanum pictures. Lukas first studied Film Studies, Philosophy and Art History at the University of Mainz, and later Film Production at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. He spent two years in New Zealand and Sydney, Australia, where he completed a course at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS). Lukas has produced numerous short films, music videos and documentaries, including several international co-productions, and has worked on many other projects, such as the Student Academy Award-winning animated short film Laika & Nemo. His graduation film at the Film University Eisspin, the oh so Terrible is the first film to adapt a fantasy novel by Walter Moers with a star-studded cast for the big screen. Lukas is co-founder and managing partner of the innovative development and production company arkanum pictures, based in Potsdam-Babelsberg.

Meet the Coaches
Meet Anne van Melick, an accomplished screenwriter and Head of Department Screenwriting at the Netherlands Film Academy. This masterclass will be given in English.
The SHIFT Masterclass Producing is coached by Ivo Siebum, Junior Producer for Millstreet Films. The language of the SHIFT Masterclass Producing is Dutch.
Meet these Coaches during SHIFT Masterclass 2023, September 16 at ECI Cultuurfabriek Roermond.
The SHIFT Masterclass Script is SOLD OUT! But there are 3 spots left for the SHIFT Masterclass Producing.
Anne van Melick
SHIFT Masterclass: Script
Anne van Melick (1984) graduated as a screenwriter from the Netherlands Film Academy in 2006. After a period of working in the field of film and TV - as a writer of short films, a director’s assistant, a script editor - she started her Master’s degree in Cultural History in 2007, which she completed in 2012 at the University of Amsterdam. During and after this period she worked for several years in the publishing world and the field of journalism. In August 2016 she became the Head of Department Screenwriting at the Netherlands Film Academy. Her focus within the screenwriting program is the individual growth of the student, collaborative work forms, serial writing, character development and short- and feature structures.

Ivo Siebum
SHIFT Masterclass: Producing
Ivo Siebum graduated as a producer from the Filmacademy in 2021. His graduation movies: Yalda: the longest night (Faydim Ramshe) won the graduation-award from the School of Arts in Amsterdam, To Fly in Solitude (Noen Brouwer) had a screening at Camerimage and COCON (Lisette Vlassak) had several screenings on national and international film festivals. He won with Leilany Sanz the NAPA-Award for upcoming producer. He started his career at the Dutch broadcaster NTR, and now he is working as a Junior Producer for Millstreet Films.

Shift to everyone: filmmakers and the audience
Whether you are a general film lover, a new filmmaker or a professional one, SHIFT Film Forum offers a dynamic and high quality festival experience, with films from all over the world, inspiring workshops, lectures and more.
Moreover, SHIFT gives a podium to upcoming talents to present their works, organizing special networking events, meet & greets and workshops, so that they can make shifts in their way of filmmaking, expand their network, collaborate with each other, talk with the audience and create new projects.
We are constantly seeking productions and professionals that set changes in the world. Be the one to shift your boundaries by shifting distance!
Contact us.
Do you have any questions regarding this event? Contact us by using the contact form below.