SHIFT Workshops 2022

Early development program for your new ideas.

Geplaatst op 4 juli 2022

Many new filmmakers do not take enough time to thoroughly develop a film plan, both artistically and in terms of business. During SHIFT Film Festival 2022 we will focus on the writing and (early) directing process of your next film idea.

Writer's Workshop

Join us and improve your script writing skill! Take your script and project plan to a higher level in intensive group coaching. Team up to correct and improve your story, brainstorm with other participants, and learn from your coach.

Director's Workshop

Enhance your Director’s vision! Learn to affirm your style and find your voice through our Director’s workshop. Team up to correct and improve your directing skills, and exchange with the other participants and the coach, on the importance of a vision, and what it needs to be made your own.

Selected projects & participants

1. Clit’s Complicated, Lisanne Sweere, fiction, the Netherlands
To whom clit may concern.

2. CELENE, Julia M. Free, fiction, the Netherlands
Two (former) lovers, two women in their 70s, meet each other again after 40 years, on one afternoon on a square in their former village.

3. Dawn Chorus, Mykola Zasieiev, fiction, Ukraine
Is it possible to live without memories?

Meet the Coach! 

Both SHIFT Workshops will be coached by Valerie Bisscheroux on September 17, during SHIFT Film Festival.

The complete program of SHIFT Film Festival

10:00 tot 12:00
Pitch Training (Online)

Contact us.

Do you have any questions or just want to get in touch with us? Contact us by using the contact form.

Contact us!