Dutch Mountain Film Festival 2022 | Industry Days

The DMFF-Industry Days are organized by CineSud.

Geplaatst op 5 augustus 2022

Also this year CineSud will be present during the multi-day, international Dutch Mountain Film Festival (DMFF). The CineSud Industry Days are on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th of November 2022. Join the conversation about the future of film in Limburg, participate in the Storytelling in Documentaries masterclass and talk to the winners of the DMFF 2022 awards.

DMFF 2022 | Industry Days

On Friday 4th of November we will discuss pressing, current matters within the Limburg film industry in the Royal Theater in Heerlen. During a tasty networking lunch you will not only enjoy the snack and drinks, but you can also be able to network with other filmmakers. In the afternoon there will be a masterclass in Storytelling in Documentaries by filmmaker Julia Poplawska. In the evening, the great DMFF Award Show is full of spectacle and films. On Saturday morning 5th of November you can have an informal conversation with the DMFF award winners during a Filmmakers Talk. 

The full program can be found below under 'Program & Tickets'.

Program & Tickets

  • Attending the CineSud Royal Film Pitch (as a listener) including lunch is free. Sign up via [email protected].
  • To participate in the masterclass Storytelling in Documentaries, please send an email to [email protected]. (It is not possible to apply anymore, the masterclass is fully booked)
10:30 tot 12:00
CineSud Royal Film Pitch Royal Filmroom
10:30 tot 12:00
Limburg Film Meeting Royal Foyer
12:00 tot 13:00
Networking lunch Royal Lobby
13:00 tot 16:00
Masterclass | Storytelling in Documentaries Royal Office

Meet the Coach!

The masterclass Storytelling in Documentaries will be coached by Julia Popławska. Julia will talk about the importance of Storytelling in Documentaries. You will learn how to enhance the story element in documentaries. For a selected group of participants, Julia will work on their own future projects to strengthen the storytelling within them.

Masterclass Storytelling in Documentaries, selected participants: 

Arctic Mirage, Tristan Visser
The journey through the Northwest Passage is tough and a big adventure. Along the way Tristan meets traditional Inuit musicians and gets the opportunity to record with them. But mile after mile he isn’t able to find and record his own Bowhead Whale songs.

Driven to Destruction, Line van den Berg
About the fine line between being driven and destruction. 

No one helps a woman who is abused by her husband in the middle of the street. Will a dog be able to save this woman who was forgotten and abandoned by people?

Meet the Jury!

The jury will be present during the CineSud Royal Film Pitch to select the best pitch which will be granted € 1.500 for their project. 

CineSud Royal Film Pitch selection

Click here to read more on the CineSud Royal Film Pitch, the participants and their projects. 

Dutch Mountain Film Festival 

Dutch Mountain Film Festival focuses on a piece of foreign land in the Netherlands: South Limburg, where you can find mountains in the Netherlands. It is a multi-day film festival devoted to mountain landscapes, mountain sports and mountain cultures. This landscape and our mother nature are also focused on in the documentaries and feature films. The best films are awarded a DMFF Award. But the film program also consists of lectures, workshops, exhibitions, clinics, a mountain run and a cycling tour. In short, an excellent reason for the avid mountaineer, the healthy outdoors person, film lover and regular cinema visitor to visit the Dutch Mountain Film Festival. Read more about the film festival

Contact us. 

Do you have any questions or just want to get in touch with us? Contact us by using the contact form below.

Contact us.