Het Euregion Film Forum is hét film-event in het hart van onze bruisende grensregio. Met onder meer (voor)premières van de nieuwste films uit onze regio, de Euregion Talent Day, FilMatch, masterclasses en diverse pitches kunnen zowel nieuwe filmmakers, gevestigde professionals als filmliefhebbers hun hart ophalen 14 en 15 maart 2025 in en rondom Lumière Cinema Maastricht.
Euregion Film Forum 2025
2025 markeert alweer de tiende editie van ons Euregion Film Forum. Dit keer is het thema 'New Voices, New Visions'. Onze Euregio bruist van het talent, en de verhalen zijn eindeloos. De vele autodidacten zorgen voor unieke werkwijzen en methoden die zich vertalen in opvallende visies op het filmvak. Traditiegetrouw presenteren we een programma vol inspirerende en aansprekende mogelijkheden voor makers en publiek.
Waar: Lumière Cinema Maastricht
Wanneer: 14 en 15 maart 2025
Tickets: Koop hier je tickets vanaf € 9,00
Programma highlights
- Kom naar de Euregion Talent Day, een dag vol panels, talks, masterclasses en netwerkmomenten voor talent uit Nederland, België, Duitsland en Luxemburg, met verder onder meer de CineSud Talent Film Pitch en FilMatch
- Doe mee aan diverse masterclasses
- Kom naar de voorpremière van de nieuwste regionale films van regionaal talent
- Kom naar voorpremières en speciale vertoningen van feature films van Euregionale makers
- Bezoek de films in de Made in Euregion Short Film Competition en maak kennis met het diverse talent in onze Euregio Maas-Rijn en Benelux
- Doe mee aan industry events en netwerkmogelijkheden
Let op: diverse programma-onderdelen zullen in het Engels plaatsvinden.
Ben je lid van Club CineSud? Dan krijg je korting. De kortingscode vind je in de omgeving van Club CineSud. Join us for a great day!
13:00-16:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 1
16:00-18:00 Directors Village Special screening
- Only for selected participants.
20:00-21:45 Feature Film Screening
to be announced.
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 2
- Only for selected participants.
20:00-21:45 Feature Film Screening
to be announced.
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 3
- Only for selected participants.
Kick off the day with an inspiring talk by young, successful filmmakers from the Euregion. Learn how they found their unique voice and how you can too, while embracing responsible filmmaking practices.
Experience the diverse and exciting work of emerging filmmakers from across the Euregion. This screening of short films highlights new talent and fresh perspectives
Join us for a lively discussion with the filmmakers featured in the Euregion Shorts competition. Hear about their experiences, challenges, and inspirations in creating films in the Euregion.
Get a glimpse into the future of film in the Euregion! This exciting session will present talented filmmakers pitching their film projects and scripts, seeking support to bring their unique stories to life.
See the (H)eerlijk Filmen Code in action! This case study explores a film production in the Euregion that successfully implemented sustainable practices, showcasing the positive impact on both the film and the community.
Get a glimpse into the future of film in the Euregion! This exciting session will present talented filmmakers pitching their film projects and scripts, seeking support to bring their unique stories to life.
Become part of the Euregion Shorts selection process! Join one of three Round Tables, each led by a jury member who will be choosing the winning film. Discuss the competing shorts with fellow attendees and the jury member, sharing your perspectives and contributing to the exciting final decision. The Euregion Shorts winner will be announced after everyone casts their vote! The space is limited, please register following this link: LINK. At the same time FilmMatch offers a dedicated matchmaking space to connect with fellow filmmakers and invited professionals to foster future collaborations.
Celebrate the day's achievements and connect with fellow filmmakers, industry professionals, and film enthusiasts during a relaxed networking reception with drinks and an awards announcement.
19:30-21:00 ShortsLab Special
including the avant-premiere of the ShortsLab 2024 films.
21:00-22:00 Networking Drinks
09:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 1
09:30-17:00 DocLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 1
- only for selected participants.
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 4
- Only for selected participants.
10:30-12:30 Masterclass: The Auteur's Vision: Finding Your Voice & Building a Style
Netwerklunch met alle deelnemende filmmakers en gasten.
13:30-16:00 Masterclass: The Director's Toolkit: Visual Storytelling & Collaboration
19:30-21:00 Euregion special
avant-premiere and special screenings of the short films Wetboy, Rounds, A Birthday Tumpeng and Droom
21:00-22:00 Networking Drinks
09:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 2
09:30-17:00 DocLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 2
10:00-17:00 Directors Village 2025: Day 5
- Only for selected participants.
9:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 3
- De deadline om je film in te sturen is verlopen. We laten de kandidaten binnenkort weten welke films geselecteerd zijn.
Je kunt je wel nog aanmelden voor de CineSud Talent Film Pitch.
- wil je je (film)idee insturen voor de CineSud Talent Film Pitch? Klik dan hier. (deadline: 12 Februari 2025, 23.59 uur)
Contact us.
Do you have any questions regarding this event? Contact us by using the contact form below.