Euregion Film Forum 2025
New Voices, New Visions.
Geplaatst op 18 september 2024Het Euregion Film Forum is hét film-event in het hart van onze bruisende grensregio. Met onder meer (voor)premières van de nieuwste films uit onze regio, de Euregion Talent Day, FilMatch, masterclasses en diverse pitches kunnen zowel nieuwe filmmakers, gevestigde professionals als filmliefhebbers hun hart ophalen 14 en 15 maart 2025 in en rondom Lumière Cinema Maastricht.
Euregion Film Forum 2025
2025 markeert alweer de tiende editie van ons Euregion Film Forum. Dit keer is het thema 'New Voices, New Visions'. Onze Euregio bruist van het talent, en de verhalen zijn eindeloos. De vele autodidacten zorgen voor unieke werkwijzen en methoden die zich vertalen in opvallende visies op het filmvak. Traditiegetrouw presenteren we een programma vol inspirerende en aansprekende mogelijkheden voor makers en publiek.
Waar: Lumière Cinema Maastricht
Wanneer: 14 en 15 maart 2025, met 12 en 13 maart in de avond feature film specials
Tickets: Koop hier je tickets vanaf € 9,00
Programma highlights
- Kom naar de Euregion Talent Day, een dag vol panels, talks, masterclasses en netwerkmomenten voor talent uit Nederland, België, Duitsland en Luxemburg, met verder onder meer de CineSud Talent Film Pitch, Writers Search Directors Pitch en FilMatch
- Doe mee aan diverse masterclasses door regisseur Stijn Bouma (De Jacht op Meral Ö, Alleen tegen de staat)
- Kom naar de voorpremière van de nieuwste regionale films van regionaal talent
- Kom naar voorpremières en speciale vertoningen van feature films van Euregionale makers
- Bezoek de films in de Made in Euregion Short Film Competition en maak kennis met het diverse talent in onze Euregio Maas-Rijn en Benelux
- Doe mee aan industry events en netwerkmogelijkheden
- Ga onder meer in gesprek met NPO Talent, het NPO Fonds, NPO3LAB, omroepen zoals VPRO en HUMAN en organisaties zoals New Producers Academy en Screen Talent NL.
Let op: diverse programma-onderdelen zullen in het Engels plaatsvinden. Je vindt dit in het programma-overzicht.
Ben je lid van Club CineSud? Dan krijg je korting. De kortingscode vind je in de omgeving van Club CineSud. Join us for a great day!
13:00-16:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 1
16:00-18:00 Directors Village Special screening
- Only for selected participants.
Speciale vertoning van de Nederlandse filmklassieker Ciske de Rat (1984) in aanwezigheid van regisseur Guido Pieters (afkomstig uit Maatricht) en actrice Willeke van Ammelrooy (momenteel woonachtig in Margraten).
Ciske is een jongetje met een grote mond en een klein hart, dat het beste probeert te maken van zijn leven in het Amsterdam van de jaren 30. Zijn vader is een echte schipper en is dus nooit thuis, en z'n moeder is een kreng. Ciske krijgt een aantal tegenslagen te verwerken.
Nederland | Drama | 107 minuten
Geregisseerd door: Guido Pieters
Met onder meer: Danny de Munk, Willeke van Ammelrooy en Linda van Dyck
Gesproken taal: Nederlands
Releasedatum: 29 maart 1984
Dit programma-onderdeel heeft als voertaal Nederlands.
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 2
- Only for selected participants.
Special avant-premiere of Fabula, by director Michiel ten Horn (Horst). Fabula is a completely in Limburgian dialect spoken film, written and directed by the Limburgian director Michiel ten Horn, shot in Limburg and the surrounding border-regions. The film was made with the support of the Limburg Film Fund.
The director Michiel ten Horn and producer Sander Verdonk will be present for an introduction and Q&A.
Small-town criminal Jos (55) has, to his great frustration, been completely sidelined. His daughter disrespects him, his wife doesn't trust him, and his friends laugh at him openly. As he scrambles to fix a drug deal that went catastrophically wrong, he desperately searches for an answer to the question: Who or what is punishing me!?
Netherlands / Germany / Belgium | Crime | Comedy | 125 minutes, English subtitles
Directed by: Michiel ten Horn
Starring: Fedja van Huêt, David Kross and Anniek Pheifer
Spoken language: Dutch, English and German
Release date: April 10, 2025
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 3
- Only for selected participants.
Euregion Talent Day
10:00-10:30 Walk-in & Welcome coffee
10:30 Talk | Find Your Voice - Authenticity and Responsible Filmmaking
Kick off the day with an inspiring talk by young, successful filmmakers from the Euregion. Learn how they found their unique voice and how you can too, while embracing responsible filmmaking practices.
Speakers: Sarah Lederman (director/writer, Belgium), Katharina Huber (director/writer, Germany)
11:00 Euregion Shorts | Border-breaking Talent - New Voices from the Euregion
Experience the diverse and exciting work of emerging filmmakers from across the Euregion. This screening of short films highlights new talent and fresh perspectives.
Selected films:
- Jeroen Mourmans, Olli, The Netherlands
- Pim Vogels, Hold on Tight, The Netherlands
- Reza Sam Mosadegh, Echoes of Juno, Germany
- Marzieh Rasekh, Let's Play, The Netherlands
- Marco Bolla, Jeanne Remi, Au Suivant, Belgium
- Sarah Lederman, Belgium
- Katarhina Huber, Germany
- Wensly Francisco, The Netherlands
12:00 CineTalk | Sharing Stories, Crossing Border
Join us for a lively discussion with the filmmakers featured in the Euregion Shorts competition. Hear about their experiences, challenges, and inspirations in creating films in the Euregion.
Speakers: Jeroen Mourmans, Olli, The Netherlands, Pim Vogels, Hold on Tight, The Netherlands, Marco Bolla, Au Suivant, Belgium, Marzieh Rasekh, Let's Play, The Netherlands
12:30 Networking Lunch
13:30 Panel | Opportunities for New Talent
Get a glimpse into the future of film in the Euregion! This exciting session will present talented filmmakers pitching their film projects and scripts, seeking support to bring their unique stories to life.
Speakers: Sara Moeniralam (NPO3LAB), Safirah Dijkstra (VPRO/HUMAN/DE ONTMOETING), Wensly Francisco (NPO Talent), Yassin Karmoudi (NPO FONDS/NEW PRODUCERS ACADEMY)
14:00 Case Study: A Success Story from the Euregion
Directors Lotte Milder and Karlijn Milder (Milder Sisters) and producer Charlotte Driessen (Harpy Films) will talk about the collaborative process, the creative choices and memorable moments from the making of Fanny.
Speakers: Charlotte Driessen (Harpy Films), Karlijn & Lotte Milder (The Milder Sisters)
14:30 Talent Film Pitch & Writers Search Directors Pitch
Get a glimpse into the future of film in the Euregion! This exciting session will present talented filmmakers pitching their film projects and scripts, seeking support to bring their unique stories to life.
15:30 Case Study | De Idylle
This case study explores the vital collaboration between director Aaron Rookus (De Idylle) and producer Maarten van der Ven (Studio Ruba), examining how they navigate the creative and logistical challenges of bringing a film to life and how these two key roles work together to successfully translate a director's vision onto the screen.
Speakers: Aaron Rookus (De Idylle), Maarten van der Ven (Studio Ruba)
16:15 Round Tables & FilMatch & Networking Drinks
FilMatch provides a dedicated platform for filmmakers and industry professionals to connect and collaborate on upcoming projects. This is an excellent opportunity to network, brainstorm ideas, and establish partnerships that can help realize your film ambitions. Each guest and participant will engage in six sessions lasting 10 minutes each to discuss, meet, and exchange contacts and experiences.
If you are not part of a roundtable or FilMatch, you can already start celebrating the day's achievements and connect with fellow filmmakers, industry professionals, and film enthusiasts during a relaxed networking reception with drinks and an awards announcement.
Buy a ticket for the Euregion Talent Day to join this program part. Your ticket is including lunch and drinks and a networking drink in the end of the Talent Day.
19:30-21:30 ShortsLab Special including networking drinks
Enjoy the closed cast & crew screening of our most recent ShortsLab films:
- Blootje, Lisanne Sweere, The Netherlands
- Wanklank, Sem Dingemans, The Netherlands
- Lieve Lieve, Amber Rozema, The Netherlands
09:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 1
09:30-17:00 DocLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 1
- only for selected participants.
10:00-18:00 Directors Village 2024: Day 4
- Only for selected participants.
10:30-12:30 Masterclass: The Auteur's Vision: Finding Your Voice & Building a Style
Coach: Stijn Bouma
During this masterclass the participants will explore the concept of ‘voice’ in filmmaking by analysing other directors’ and writers’ work, discussing the importance of having a distinctive style, and learning tips and tricks for finding their own unique voice and building a consistent style.
This masterclass will be held in English.
Netwerklunch met alle deelnemende filmmakers en gasten.
13:30-16:00 Masterclass: The Director's Toolkit: Visual Storytelling & Collaboration
Coach: Stijn Bouma
During this masterclass the participants will explore the power of visual language, the impact visual elements have on storytelling and how they as (aspiring) filmmakers can use this to realise their creative vision. Additionally, the masterclass will touch upon the importance of collaboration and clear communication to successfully complete a project while maintaining the film’s vision.
This masterclass will be held in English.
19:30-20:30 Euregion special
Special (cast & crew) screenings of the short films:
- Canción Sin Fin, Julia Hollander, The Netherlands
- Wetboy, Yentl Vlachos, The Netherlands
- A Birthday Tumpeng, Azmi Hoffmann, Germany, The Netherlands
- Droom, Fleur Jonkers, The Netherlands
- Rounds, Anna Demianenko, The Netherlands
All films were supported within different programs of CineSud.
20:30-22:00 Networking Drinks
09:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 2
09:30-17:00 DocLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 2
10:00-17:00 Directors Village 2025: Day 5
- Only for selected participants.
9:30-17:00 ShortsLab 2025: Residency 2: Day 3
- Only for selected participants.
Euregion Shorts
Euregion films selected to compete for the Best Euregion Film Award.
Jeroen Mourmans | Coming-of-Age, Crime Drama, Social Realism | The Netherlands, 2024, 17 min
Somewhere in the Limburgian countryside, in the southern Netherlands, 17-year-old Olli juggles a job at a local warehouse with a dark side hustle as a burglar. Fueled by desperation, the timid teen transforms into a seasoned and calculating thief as soon as he puts on his mask. But how long before his conscience intervenes?

Hold on Tight
Pim Vogels | Drama, Surrealism | The Netherlands, 2024, 9 min
Hold on Tight is a ten-minute-long, absurd tragicomedy that revolves around life with dementia and the difficult decision of placing a loved one in a nursing home.

Echoes of Juno
Reza Sam Mosadegh | Drama, Sci-Fi | Germany, 2023, 13 min
Hanna spends every day in an AI-controlled device, the "Echoehub", to live a virtual life with her deceased daughter Juno. Hanna's wife, Paula, tries to bring her back to the family she still has in the real world.

Let’s Play
Marzieh Rasekh | Animation | The Netherlands, 2024, 4 min
In a village consumed by adult responsibilities, a child yearns for play and fun. However, unintentionally, his innocent play sparks a war within the village, escalating from simple playfulness to destructive conflict.

Au Suivant
Marco Bolla, Jeanne Remi | Satire | Belgium, 2024, 12 min
A casting director on the verge of a burn-out terrorizes a rebellious young actress in a desperate search for genuine talent.

CineSud ShortsLab Special
Discover in a special screening the new films from the CineSud ShortsLab program.
Lisanne Sweere | Coming-of-Age | The Netherlands, 2025, 15 min
When Julia (17) is taken to a nudist campsite, she has to face her discomfort with exposing herself – both literally and figuratively. Through her new friendship with free spirit Nenah (20), she gradually learns to open up more.

Sem Dingemans | Drama, Satire | The Netherlands, 2025, 10 min
The day a teacher decided to slap a student, a power shift between teachers and students was caused.

Lieve Lieve
Amber Rozema | Coming-of-Age | The Netherlands, 2025, 11 min
A young teenage girl tries to find a safe place with a skateboarder who has crossed her boundaries in an intimate moment.

Euregion Special
Discover in a special screening the new films from the films supported by CineSud in STEP-UP Academy and other programs.
Canción Sin Fin
Julia Hollander | Experimental | The Netherlands, 2025, 2 min.
In an endless dream, a woman wanders through a boundless forest, where a singer has been repeating the same Fado song since 1971. As time and reality fade, fear grows: is she also trapped here forever?

Yentl Vlachos | Coming-of-Age | The Netherlands, 2025, 10 min
19-year-old Sef struggles with his identity and is infatuated with his best friend. When their group of friends spend a summer day by the river Meuse, what begins as a playful swimming competition ends in an intimate encounter that tests their friendship.

Azmi Hoffmann | Drama | Germany, 2025, 12 min
A mother struggles to hide her hidden post-partum depression while preparing a complicated Indonesian birthday dinner.

Fleur Jonkers | Dance | The Netherlands, 2025, 13 min
In today’s world, it’s almost impossible to truly stand still. We keep ourselves constantly busy, striving for more and getting less in return. DROOM acknowledges this overwhelming feeling and invites us to experience three different phases of stillness.

Anna Demianenko | Drama | The Netherlands, 2024, 11 min
When teenage girls, who are being chased and searching for a place to hide at school, find shelter in the gym, they finally feel safe. But not safer than the girl they have tied up and keep hostage.

Meet the Jury
Meet the members of the jury panel who will deliberate on the Euregion Shorts competition.
Katharina Huber
After graduating at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Katharina Huber received a scholarship from the DAAD to study at the Royal College of Art in London. Back in Cologne she continued to work as an independent filmmaker.
She co-founded of a Studio Huber Casalprim where she produced the semi-doc-essay-feature Out of the Gardens, shot in Antarctica. The film premiered in FID Marseille in 2018. In 2020 her short film The Natural Death of a Mouse was awarded at international festivals and received the German Short Film Prize (Lola). She also wrote, directed and produced the full length fictional film A Good Place which premiered at the Film Festival Locarno in August 2023 and received the Award for Best Emerging Director.
With her Cologne-based production company Acker Film, she is currently developing new feature and short film projects

Wensly Francisco
After ending his career with the Ministry of Defense in 2013, Wensly Francisco joined Public Broadcasting as a researcher and documentary filmmaker. Since 2024, he has been Talent Coordinator at the Netherlands Public Broadcasting Corporation (NPO).

Sarah Lederman
Sarah Lederman studied both Documentary and Fiction at The Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound (RITCS) in Brussels. She finished her Film MFA at Sint-Lucas Brussels with her short film Les Racines de l’Eau. She is part of Lukas Dhont's Future Five.
She specializes in visual intimate stories through fine story telling, honest and pure with a considerate attention for detail. She has a great sensibility for capturing unfolding unique moments. Documentary and fiction film both fascinate her.
Currently she's in post-production for Blue Feather Tone and writing on her first feature within the scenario atelier of the VAF.

Meet the jury of the CineSud Talent Film Pitch.
Pim Vogels
In 2019, Pim Vogels graduated, from Fontys Academy for Creative Industries with a
Bachelor of Arts and fully immersed himself in the film industry. One of his main focus is supporting young creators; in that respect Pim made three experimental anthology films (Refractions (2020), Timelapse (2022), The Way we Dream (2024)) which provided a platform for emerging experimental filmmakers.
Since then, Pim has written and directed several films, notably Hou Je Haaks (Hold on Tight), which has been selected to the Euregion Short Competiton of the 2025 Euregion Film Forum. He is currently part of the Netflix x Playgrounds Writersroom where he is working on the series Our Village together with Justus van den Elsen and Jochem de Vet.
Pim strive to contribute more to the film industry in Brabant by connecting filmmakers, educating students, and organizing film-related events.

Marco Bolla
Marco Bolla is a Brussels-based, Flemish-Italian director, writer, editor, and actor. He graduated from the MAD Faculty with a Master of Audiovisual Arts (Specialty Televison and Film) in 2016 and has since written and directed many short fillms such as ALFA (2017), or We're Expecting (2023).
His work is known for its playful blend of genres and an empathetic exploration of our shared human experience.
His film Au Suivant, co-directed with Jeanne Remi, was awarded Best Film in the Prize La Trois category of the Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film 2024. Au Suivant has been selected to the Euregion Short Competition of the 2025 edition of the Euregion Film Forum.
He is currently working on his next short Is that it?

Guide Franken
Director Limburg Film Office
Guido Franken has led CineSud since January 2012. In 2018, he was officially appointed director of the foundation. In addition to his work at CineSud, Guido is director of the Limburg Film Office foundation since 2016.
In December 2021 he became the chairman of Screen Talent NL before joining the board of Screen Talent Europe in February 2024.

Meet the coach
Our coach will take the participants on a journey and give them the key to writing and directing a scene. More info at Masterclass | Writing Great Scenes and Masterclass | Directing Great Scenes.
Stijn Bouma
Stijn Bouma is a Dutch filmmaker from Hoorn. After earning a Master’s in Film Studies (UvA), he studied at the Sarajevo Film Academy’s Film Factory, founded by Béla Tarr. His short films Lejla (2017) and Regained Memory (2018) screened at Cannes and Karlovy Vary. His documentaries on the Surcharge Scandal culminated in The Search for Meral Ö. (2024), nominated for two Golden Calves. He is currently developing new projects.

Meet the Talent Film Pitch & Writers Search Directors Participants
Meet the selected participants who will be pithing their projects during Talent Day @Euregion Film Forum.
Can Ünlü
Project: Yâren Yâren Armil

Maria Kuiper
Project: Demy & Nicole

Elena Atalmi
Project: If on a summer’s day a girl

Boudewijn Lemmens
Project: Het Seizoen

Mees Wolfs
Project: 2:17

Writers Search Directors Pitch 2025 | Selected participants
Sofya Hmain
Project: The Parcel

Zoë Grijn
Project: The Uninvited Guest

Marc Pötgens
Project: The Retreat

Writers Search Directors Pitch 2025 | Selected directors
Tim Jans

Karel Konings

Lore Loyens

Leonoor Koster

Contact us.
Do you have any questions regarding this event? Contact us by using the contact form below.