Euregion Film Forum
Focus op de filmindustrieën in de grenslanden Nederland, België, Duitsland én Luxemburg.
Het Euregion Film Forum (voorheen Euregion Film Festival) is een meerdaags Film Forum waar men terecht kan voor verschillende soorten filmactiviteiten. De filmindustrieën uit de grenslanden Nederland, België, Duitsland én Luxemburg staan hierin centraal.
Euregion Film Forum
Euregion Film Forum (voorheen Euregion Film Festival) richt zich op de samenwerking tussen de filmindustrieën in Nederland, België, Duitsland en Luxemburg. Ook bespreken we actuele trends en ontwikkelingen binnen de filmsector in deze landen. Het programma bestaat uit de Crossborder Film Conference, Euregion Film Pitch, speciale filmvertoningen, netwerkborrels en meer. Euregion Film Forum is de perfecte gelegenheid om nieuw internationaal talent te ontdekken, te leren van ervaren professionals, te netwerken en kennis uit te wisselen.
De eerste editie vond plaats in 2016 en sindsdien is het evenement jaarlijks succesvol georganiseerd op verschillende locaties in de provincie Limburg.

Hoe ziet dit er concreet uit?
Euregion Film Forum is een meerdaags Film Forum bestaande uit diverse filmactiviteiten, zoals talks, masterclasses, speeddates en speciale filmvertoningen. Centraal staan kennis- en ervaringsuitwisseling en netwerken in een grensoverschrijdende context. Het programma en de onderwerpen die centraal staan wisselen jaarlijks. Voorbeelden uit afgelopen jaren zijn onder meer internationale co-productie, financieringsopties en creatieve samenwerking op internationaal vlak.
Voor wie?
Euregion Film Forum richt zich op alle filmprofessionals en nieuwe makers uit de grenslanden Nederland, België, Duitsland én Luxemburg, of (andere) makers en publiek met interesse in deze filmindustrieën.

Benieuwd naar de aankomende editie?
Hou onze Agenda-pagina in de gaten voor de deadline.
Lees meer over de vorige edities
Euregion Film Forum 2023
Throwback to the Euregion Film Forum 2023, with the Limburgian avant-première of The Man from Rome by Jaap van Heusden, exciting talks, special film screenings, FilMatch, avant-premières and much more. Thanks to all our guest speakers, jury, coaches, ShortsLab -and Euregion Film Pitch-participants, partners, sponsors, volunteers, and the amazing interactive audience. Make sure to check the photos taken by Philip Driessen.

Euregion Film Festival 2022
Euregion Film Festival 2022 had its hybrid seventh edition from March 1-6 both live and online. 12 short films competed in the short film competition, 4 films were shown in the 'Made in Heerlen'-special. The side-program consisted of Filmmakers- and CineTalks, workshops and industry meetings. Best Film was given to Everyman, Best Euregion Film to Wall #4, Special Jury Mention to You Must Have Come From Hell, and the Audience Award to Le Pain.
- Festival Winners 2022
- Festival Official Selection 2022
- Festivalguide 2022
- Festival photos
- Aftermovie day

Euregion Film Festival 2021
Euregion Film Festival 2021 took place March 1-7, online (due to the covid19-pandemic). 19 short films competed in the short film competition, 4 films were shown in the 'Made in Heerlen'-special. The side-program consisted of more than 20 Filmmakers- and CineTalks, workshops and industry meetings. Best Film was given to You Are Always 20, Best Euregion Film to Split-Up, Special Jury Prize to Dalia and the Audience Award to Charlie Z.

Euregion Film Festival 2020
Euregion Film Festival 2020 took place March 19-22, online (due to the covid19-pandemic we were forced to go online one week before the start of the festival). Around 20 films were shown, including 4 world premieres. Special guests were – amongst others – Bas Devos, Marietta von Hauswolff, Jolein Laarman, Ibo Karatay and Reinier Selen. Best Film was given to Unlike Today, Special Jury Prize and the Youth Jury Award to Something About Alex.

Euregion Film Festival 2019
Euregion Film Festival 2019 took place March 21-25 in Schunck in Heerlen. More than 20 films were shown, including 5 world premieres. Special guests were – amongst others – Moniek Kramer, Marietta von Hauswolff, Bart van Langendonck, Denis Vaslin, Hans de Wolf, Genaro Rosato and Janet van den Brand. Best Film was given to Pistol, Special Jury Prize to Patision Avenue and the Youth Jury chose as well Pistol as Best Film. The festival attracted 1000 visitors.

Euregion Film Festival 2018
Euregion Film Festival 2018 took place March 22-25 in Schunck in Heerlen. More than 40 films were shown, including 5 world premieres. Special guests were – amongst others – Johan Leysen, Kristof Hoornaert, Germen Boelens, Joost Rekveld, Joost Seelen, Peter Bouckaert and Remy van Heugten. Best Film was given to Wild Beast, Best Euregional Film to Stille Storm. The festival attracted 1020 visitors.
- Festivalguide 2018
- Official selection 2018
- Photo album 2018
- Aftermovie day 1
- Aftermovie day 2
- Aftermovie day 3
- Aftermovie day 4

Euregion Film Festival 2017
Euregion Film Festival 2017 took place March 16-19 in Schunck in Heerlen. More than 35 films were shown, including 8 world premieres. Special guests were – amongst others – Martin Koolhoven, Robert-Jan Westdijk and Kaweh Modiri. The 2017 edition of Euregion Film Festival hosted the first edition of DocCampus and FilmCampus. Best Film winner was Allegory of the Jam Jar, Best Euregional Film Tien by Nathalie Crum. The festival attracted 750 visitors.

Euregion Film Festival 2016
Euregion Film Festival 2016 took place January 22-24 in Schunck in Heerlen. More than 30 films were shown, including 6 world premieres. Special guests were – amongst others – Pieter Kuijpers, Anne Gehring, Vera Ketelaars, Max Porcelijn, Pedro van Eecken en Harro van Staverden. The 2016 edition of Euregion Film Festival hosted the first edition of the Crossborder Film Conference. Best Film winner was Mediation, Best Euregional Film Home Suite Home by Jeroen Houben. The Special Jury Prize went to The Blue & The Beyond by Youri Dekker. The festival attracted 700 visitors.

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